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6:00pm PDT


7:19pm PDT

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Computers, phones and tablets are an intrinsic part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we create, work and communicate. But what happened to your old phone and tablet when you upgraded? Where did your broken computer and TV end up when you threw it away? Electronic waste is one of the fastest growing environmental threats of the 21st Century. It is a complex issue without a simple solution but one we need to resolve. E - LIFE investigates the hidden world of what happens to our e - waste after we dispose of it. The film exposes the illegal trade in discarded tech, tracking it to toxic scrapyards around the world, and explores the detrimental effects this has on the environment, the economy and the people who dismantle our waste in unsafe conditions.

Director: Edward Scott-Clarke
Production Company: E-Life Productions
Key Characters: Sampson Atiemo

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