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Under Collidable we can change Motion from None to Animated. Animated objects can be as simple as a script making it visible and invisible, or as complex as recording an animation and playing it back and forth on a loop.


OBJECT COLLIDABILITY precedes this tutorial

To record an animation, click the ‘Record’ button and move the object using the grab tool, and when you are done click ‘stop’. You can review the recording by pressing play.
You can choose whether the animation loops continuously or back and forth, and also adjust the speed of the animation.

  • ‘Back and Forth’ is great for creating motion that loops seamlessly, and continuously will jump to the beginning when reaching the end.
  • If the loop is set to none, the animation will pause in its final position after the animation is over.
  • When ‘play on start’ is toggled on, the animation will automatically play when the world is started.
  • If ‘play on start’ is toggled off, a script will be needed to play the animation.
  • If you want the animation to be slower, set the number between 0 and 1. To increase the speed, use a number greater than 1.

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